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Is My Child Ready For School?


Updated: May 22, 2023

Are you at the stage where you are thinking of enrolling your child into primary school next year? Starting school is a big step for little ones. You might have heard the term ‘school readiness’ – but what does it really mean? Tightrope Learning will guide you through the different things to consider and teach you all-things-school-readiness.


‘School readiness’ is a measure of the skills, knowledge and behaviours that allow children to participate and succeed in school. Parents often think that school readiness directly relates to being able to read, write and do basic maths before starting school. But this isn’t exactly the case! School readiness is related to the development of the whole child – their emotional and social skills, physical skills, communication skills and cognitive skills. Children simply cannot thrive at school if they haven’t developed the skills to manage such things like getting along with other children, communicating their needs and following instructions.

Research indicates that children who begin school when developmentally ready to learn tend to do better in school – and it sets them up for further success later in their educational journey and life in general.

School Readiness at Tightrope Learning
Miss Mary-Ellen working with the little ones in the Tightrope Learning classroom


There are many indicators to look out for when considering whether your child is indeed ready for school. Tightrope learning help to develop the following through our curriculum to ensure you little ones are starting off on the right foot:

  • Cognitive Skills

  • Independence

  • Language Skills

  • Physical Health and Coordination

At Tightrope Learning, our philosophy is a holistic approach to learning. We believe that in order for your little one to not only be ready for school, but to also succeed, they need to:

  • Cope with school - they need to have self-confidence and have a positive self-image.

  • Have communication skills - they need to be confident, verbal communicators as well as effective listeners, understanding and comprehending conveyed messages.

  • Follow instructions - they need to understand and follow simple and multiple step directions.

  • Be able to concentrate and focus - they need to build stamina at staying on and completing tasks in a given time.

  • Be independent learners - they need independence around tasks such as toileting, taking care and responsibility for their belongings. They also need to be confident in contributing to class discussions and know when to ask for assistance.

  • To have social skills - they need to recognise and regulate their emotions, They need to co-operate, be patient, take turns, verbalise their thoughts and share.

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